Friday, October 25, 2013

Bora Bora on Fire

Bodacious Bora Bora Beachwear

When we arrived in Bora Bora, those famous peaks were on fire.  We picked up a mooring ball at the Maikai Marina and after two nights of being rained on with ash we decided to go an anchor off a little motu away from the fall out and wait for that fire to die out. 


Kids poker faces.  Sky, Chris, Helena, Kolja, Layla and Rourke

Rourke, Kolja, Jan, Charlie and Malou.  I was wondering what caused their expressions!?
We used Maikai Marina as our base, their friendly staff, amazing live music and happy hour socials brought everyone together most evenings popping in and out.  From there we made our way around Bora Bora.  We had dinner at the famous Bloody Mary's Restaurant, dived with the Manta Rays and enjoyed some of the finest beach Resorts Bora Bora has to offer.

Rourke, Jan, Malou, Kolja and Charlie cooling off

Rourke, Sky, Layla and Chris at the market
Adopted Aunty Liz and Layla
Helena and Sky about town

One of the days we were walking to the market and unbelievably Layla (closest to the ground) picked up a Grade A black pearl valued at around three hundred euro's.  The clasp had broken.  

It was all very exciting because this was the second pearl she found! The first, a baroque pearl, she found in Kahuea Atoll, in the Tuamotu's.  One lucky little girl.  We had the pearl reset as a pendant for her and she wears it proudly, telling anyone and everyone, she found it!  

Layla's face, right after she picked up that Grade A Black Pearl 

Chris having Layla's pearl set for her as a pendant

Chris, Karl and Steven, trouble right there!
Liz, Dianna, Becky and Sascha
Happy Hour at Maikai Marina
Chris, Skyla, Layla, Sascha and Rourke
Liz and Sky
Dinner at Maikai with Gordon and Liz

 Bora Bora was a turning point for a few friends who decided to spend another season in French Polynesia so good bye was said to some as the rest of us continued on our voyage further West to get out of the cyclone belt by November. 

 Sadly here we said goodbye to our very dear friends, Eva and Jean Luc aboard sy Reve De Lune and Gordon and Liz of sy Cattidtude. Miss you guys already!

around Bora Bora's beaches...

T R I B E family hit the beach.  Sky, Rourke, Chris, Layla and Sasch
Bora Bora Yacht Club
Another night out...
Spot the rich and famous dining at Bloody Mary's
and yet more socializing, Karl, crew of SY Suvarrov and Sasch
Later I got Chris on the dance floor...
Girls just wanna have fun!
more dancing...
Skyla making friends on the dance floor 
throw some salsa sascha into the mix...

A sweet ride in a Donzi, Sascha, crew and Layla
Rooster tailing it.  Layla, Sky, Chris and Rourke getting their hair blown back.

We had spent longer in Bora Bora than intended, I suppose this is just what happens in Bora Bora.  Having so much fun socializing, the days just melted away. 

Spending time in Bora Bora was like being invited to the social event of the year, diving, dining, drums, dancing dervishes, first dates (Skyla), donzi's and dreamers, it was difficult to depart. 

Sasch, playing bongo drums with Bartek at sundown
Greetings from Bora Bora!
Bora Bora was where we officially cleared out of French Polynesia after three amazing months, but we still had two more stops to visit before leaving French Polynesia. 

 Next up, kiting and climbing Maupiti.

Welcome to our readers in Iran!

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