Thursday, September 26, 2013

Stingrays and Shark diving

It was such a glorious day when we went to swim with the sharks and stingrays.  The visibility was crystal and the surrounding island picturesque.  

Moorea, Tahiti's little sister, put that on your bucket list!
Sasch snapping away
Rourke and Sky
Layla and Chris swimming with the sharks
Rourke, a ray sandwich 
Sky and Layla, "it's soooo soft!"
Rourke underneath the ray and Sascha
yip, they liked Rourke (he was feeding them)
nonstop action 

Chris stroking a ray
Tohiea or 'tooth of shark' is a superb rock piton backdrop to the anchorage in Moorea.  

Rourke, Layla and Sky

Sailing to Bora Bora next, can it get any better than this?

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures as always. Have a safe trip to Bora Bora.
    God Sped
