Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Moorea, French Polynesia

Moorea, Tahiti's little sister is only a two hour sail across from Tahiti.  We enjoyed a beautiful sail to be welcomed into the bay by whales.  We sailed up into the shallows and dropped anchor tucked in behind the reef.
Layla looking on at the whales welcoming us into the bay

The snorkeling was great as the little fish were inquisitive and came up to and around us, sometimes bumping into my mask and causing me to laugh out loud through my snorkel, they were so cute.  One little clown fish allowed us to touch him like a pet as he skittishly darted in and out of his sea anemone, every time we started to swim away he dashed after us like he was calling us back and when we turned around he dashed back into his anemone.  That was just one of the many treasured experiences Moorea had to offer. 


The anchorage on a still day, Moorea

We popped in for a drink at the resort


Lunch with friends, Gordon and Liz aboard SY Cattitude
A game of Wii tennis to work off lunch

Rourke working his magic

I haven't done a welcome for a while and we have quite a few new readers from French Polynesia, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Latvia, Luxembourg and Pakistan, a warm welcome guys, enjoy the blog! 

Little did we know, we were still in for a real treat…swimming with whales up next!

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