Monday, August 18, 2014

More Bay of Islands with Friends

Rourke, Skyla and Sascha
We spent a couple more days sailing around the Bay of Islands with our friends on SY Living.  It is always fun to share wonderful experiences and places with friends.  We sailed, wakeboarded, baked, ate and drank, explored the islands, had heart to hearts and lots of laughter.  

The beauty of the Bay

On one of the islands we met the Burnett family with 6 children staying in a bach (pronounced "batch", a small beach house) and we anchored off that beach, socializing, SUPping and enjoying nature searching for Kiwi birds on the island.  The kids had a ball.

Rourke, Rosie, Layla, Skyla and Nathan
Rourkes taxi
Sky and Rourke
fascinating jellyfish
Layla and Patrick having fun
Liisa, Patrick and me aboard Living
Sky heading out for a session

Happiness Is….  Skyla
Little Sebbi lapping up attention from Sky, love this pic

Rourke making a snack!

Layla the salad queen
Kids waiting for breakfast to be served 
Skyla doing school in bed munching on MnMs

Snacks and Sundowners...

T R I B E anchored off the bach
Right, so next up is a bit of Maori culture.  The proud aboriginal people of New Zealand.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome photos as usual Sascha ... so nice to see your travels in NZ!
