Sunday, June 8, 2014

Daredevil Flying Trapeze

Sky flying high

One of Rourkes favorite pastimes developed while sailing is to climb unassisted to the first or second spreader of T R I B E (or the nearest available yacht) and JUMP!

So it was not surprising that given the opportunity to do a high flying trapeze act that he would jump at it.

The Action Park in Pahia, Bay of Islands, was open for business and we made the most of it, here is a bit of fun!

Malou and Rourke giving it sticks
Layla on the tightrope 

couldn't resist this little boy Sebi!  Miss you guys x xx 

Madre having a go...
Sailing the beautiful Bay of Islands of New Zealand, coming up...

1 comment:

  1. Was worried since we had not had any posts from you in quite some time! Hope everyone is well and loving life!
