family sailing adventure... join us for some fun in the sun... Sascha, Chris, Skyla, Rourke and Layla
Thursday, February 13, 2014
A few readers have asked me questions about navigating the blog that I took for granted readers would find, sorry :) (Note to self: don't take anything for granted!)
Sooo, here are a some tips re finding your way around my blog.
On the Home page (the one that the blog opens up on) there are a few exciting, fun, simple options described below:
Firstly click on each post and it will expand with more pics and commentary, ALWAYS! Then to read on you just scroll down at your leisure.
On HOME Page again: Drag your mouse over the 5 black vertical lines on the far right side of the screen. As you do they will expand into options:
1. First box opens to reveal a ROUTE MAP of T R I B E sailing. Click on this and you can see a Google Earth map with our anchorages and sailing route across the globe.
2. Second box says: PICTURE, ignore this for now…
3. Third box says: FOLLOWERS. Please click on this and join up as a follower/member and receive updates. This way I can see who you are readers! Awesome!
You can also find us on Facebook at Smithtribesailing and Like us there too.
4. Fourth Box says: BLOG ARCHIVE, click on any month to see posts/countries you may have missed out on.
5. Fifth Box say: ABOUT US. This is a little introduction as to what we are about!
Now, once you've ticked all those boxes, move your curser over to the far left of the blog screen and find the drop down arrow at MAGAZINE and choose Flip Card or Mosaic (or any other) and click on these to watch the blog change to different layouts, choose your favorite viewing option.
Don't be afraid to click on pictures, dates and titles as these all expand into a more detailed story. Go for it!
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