Saturday, February 1, 2014

Back on Track

A BIG hello from all of us!
For those readers who were wondering where we've been…  firstly out at sea (thats a given), then my computer got wet and when we finally found a place to have it repaired it took almost 2 months, such is life.  

Its been rather frustrating for me (and for some of you, I know, thanks for being patient), not even knowing if all my photographs could be salvaged to continue the blog... the great news is that my computer is fixed (picked it up today) and all my stuff is still here!  

Smithtribesailing continues…. 


  1. Thank Goodness, I was beginning to worry that something "not good" had happened, Happy Sailing!T

  2. Glad you are all safe! Thanks for the update.
    K. Paul
    MN USA

  3. Well I knew all was OK but looking forward to being able to read the blog and see all your amazing photos again!
    Love you x 5, Mom xxxxxxxx

  4. welcome back. GG (uk)

  5. Glad you're back, guys. Happy/safe sailing.

  6. Hello! You must have the best time sailing! This summer I am renting a yacht and going sailing! :D
