Sunday, October 27, 2013

Shipwreck on Mopelia Atoll

Sascha and Chris diving on the Seeadler Shipwreck, one of the ships anchors.
 Approaching Mopelia Atoll the first thing one sees is a long row of palm trees.  Once again we timed our arrival to enter the pass at noon.  This pass is only twice as wide as 
T R I B E with very sharp coral ledges on either side.  It looked rather daunting and we all kinda held our breaths as we motored through it.  Turns out its not as bad as its made out to be (if timed right) and our entrance went smoothly.  Breathe out…

the pass, note the sharp coral ledges on both sides...
Skyla and Rourke seeing just how close we get
Once anchored off the motu we went straight back out in our tender to dive the pass and surrounds.  We had read about a wreck just out the pass and wanted to dive on it.  

The Seeadler shipwrecked here over 100 years ago.  
pic of Seeadler

We all thoroughly enjoyed this dive looking for treasures and parts of the Seeadler on the ocean floor and reef.  Layla said it was her best dive ever!

pics of the surrounding coral garden, thanks Pepe

Rourke free diving down to another anchor on the reef

once again, so many sharks off the back of T R I B E, Chris contemplating a swim  :)
 Later we went ashore to meet the chief, Harry, his wife Norma and friend Hina.   Somehow we got to talking about about ages and I mentioned Chris was turning forty six the next day and they insisted that we come ashore or the festivities, they would provide the fish and bake a cake. 

T R I B E anchored in the distance
coconuts cut in half and drying in the sun
Hina shucking the meat of the coconut.
 It gets put into hessian bags and collected for the larger islands.

Becky and Sascha drinking refreshing coconut milk
 Did they ever, Harry and Hina went out fishing the next morning and stopped by T R I B E on their way back.  They had caught a huge wahoo in honor of Chris.  We dingied ashore later in the day, along with the crew of Windarra and BeesNees to get the party started.  

Wow Norma, Harry and Hina really put on a spread, barbecued wahoo in teriyaki sauce, sashimi, tempura and my personal favorite poisson cru.  We all added to that, salads, rice and more cake.  I brought one of our guitars along and Hina played guitar while Norma played spoons and Harry the drums. We were treated to a night of Polynesian music and singing, what special people these are!

Hina and Harry with their wahoo catch for Chris's party
the windward side of the island
Rustic living in paradise
Blake, Karl, Sophia, Becky, Norma, Hina Chris, Layla, Rourke, Pepe, Bear, Sascha and Harry.  The Beach Party!

The feast.  Sashimi, Tempura, Poisson Cru, and barbecued wahoo in teriyaki sauce 
Norma made hats as a departure gift, Layla sporting hers
shell detail on the palm leaves hats
We donated our guitar to Hina and my herb garden that I started on board in the states that had provided us fresh herbs and veggies over the last two years, I gave to Harry and Norma who were very happy to say the least. 

Harry, Norma and Hina leaving T R I B E with our herb garden going to a new home. 

exiting the pass

After a few days here it was time to sail on to the Cook Islands, a four day sail away our destination being Palmerston Atoll. 

Rourke and Chris putting the spinnaker up, Palmerston here we come...

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