Sunday, September 15, 2013

Toau Atoll, French Polynesia

T R I B E  anchored in Anse Amyot, Toau Atoll

Toau Atoll has a cove on its North West side named Anse Amyot.  This cove provides an excellent sheltered anchorage, in fact the couple who live there, Valentine and Gaston, have put mooring balls down for visiting yachts.  This conveniently allows for at least 10 yachts to be moored in this beautiful cove.  

Rourke on the bow 
Rourke jumping off the hard top over our cockpit
 We could not wait to jump in to the turquoise water and snorkel with the sharks once again around our hulls. 

Layla and her pets
Skyla in her classroom

Coconut crab
size of coconut crab!
Me and Liz (SY Cattitude) sharing bubbles
Valentine and Gaston, local French Polynesians, are very hospitable and invited the yachts in the bay for a social seafood barbecue.  
Layla tried to sneak this one on board
cruisers, Carl and Becky (SY Windarra), locals Valentine and Gaston and more cruisers
Gordon (SY Cattitude) and Sky sharing a laugh
Chris and kids (Rourke, Sophia, Blake and Layla) having hermit crab races
The kids decided they were going to trade some of their stuff for pearls so they got stuck into their cabins and dug out clothes, perfume, nail polish, shampoo, earrings, toys, knives and lures.  They came back smiling, with handfuls of pearls.
Valentine and Gaston's Seafood Restaurant on the waters edge

Me (Sascha) up fellow cruiser SY IMPI's mast, taking pics of T R I B E and surrounds
Pass entrance to Anse Amyot in the back ground
Surrounding Motu's
After a week in Toau the winds started blowing favorably for our four day sail to Tahiti.  We said goodbye to Valentine and Gustav and hoisted the main sail.  Tahiti here we come!
Me and Chris

1 comment:

  1. You guys are giving your kids one hell of a wonderful gift. The experiences they are obtaining and the things they are learning could never be purchased.

    Great photos, as usual.

    Stay safe.
